Custom Accordion

1) Can applicants fill in the application package in English or could be in local language?

Only Annex I Project Basic Information must be filled in online and in English.
Applicants are obliged to use the templates (downloadable both in English and local language) provided as annexes of the Call for Innovative Projects.
They have the option to fill in the annexes in English and or in the local language.
All annexes must be uploaded in pdf format.

2) If a company is set up to develop the project, does it already have to exist on the date of the application?

Yes, it does.

3) Can the expenses be done before the application?

No, activities (and corresponding expenses) should start at least from the application date.

4) In case of purchasing hardware, can the cost include also
  • Shipping cost in case of import from other country
  • Import duties and custom fees etc.
  • Or just the cost of purchase of the hardware and setup cost and training from the seller if that exists?

Yes, it can include all above costs provided that the amount does not exceed the 30% of the project budget and it is justified by the applicant in the application form (Part B), showing how instrumental it is for the achievement of project’s results. SMARTIES for SMEs financial support is provided through a lump sum, a form of simplified costs reporting that focuses on the activities, outputs and expected results of the project instead of documenting expenses.

5) What happens if a project proposal exceeds the € 25,000?

Any costs above € 25,000 will need to be met by the applicant, since the grant amount cannot exceed €25,000

6) Are staff costs eligible?

SMARTIES for SMEs financial support is provided through a lump sum, which means that you are not required to justify your expenses but simply to give evidence of the realization, effectiveness and quality of the project's activities and outputs, and to demonstrate the achievement of the expected results, according to what stated in the application form. Reporting is performed by filling in the Progress Reports (see Annex VII) and presenting them to the local BSO.

7) Can a GAL (Local Action Group) apply to SMARTIEs for SMEs Call for Innovative Project?

Yes, it can apply. If the GAL is registered as an SME, it can apply as single SME or in a partnership. If not, it can participate in a partnership only as a partner together with at least 1 tourism SME. In case of partnership, a coordinator (lead applicant) must be designated who will be responsible throughout the application process and implementation phase for submitting the application and communicating with SMARTIEs for SMEs team on behalf of the partnership.

8) Must tourism SMEs belong to specific NACE classes or categories to be eligible for SMARTIES for SMEs Call for Innovative Project?

For the sake of this call, tourism SMEs may belong to any NACE classes and categories, provided that their activities are relevant to the tourism ecosystem.
As reference the European Programme Cosme listed the following:
  • H4910 - Passenger rail transport, interurban
  • H4932 - Taxi operation
  • H4939 - Other passenger land transport, etc
  • H5010 - Sea and coastal passenger water transport
  • H5030 - Inland passenger water transport
  • H5110 - Passenger air transport
  • I5510 - Hotels and similar accommodation
  • I5520 - Holiday and other short-stay accommodation
  • I5530 - Camping grounds, recreational vehicle parks and trailer parks
  • I5610 - Restaurants and mobile food service activities
  • I5630 - Beverage serving activities
  • N7710 - Renting and leasing of motor vehicles
  • N7721 - Renting and leasing of recreational and sports goods
  • N79 - Travel agency, tour operator reservation service and related activities
  • N82.3 - Organisation of conventions and trade shows
  • R90 - Creative, arts and entertainment activities
  • R91 - Libraries, archives, museums and other cultural activities
  • R93 - Sports activities and amusement and recreation activities

9) In case of partnership, shall we indicate the distribution of costs among partners?

If you are a partnership, please indicate in the budget template the activities performed by each partner and the corresponding amount allocated to each partner.

10) What is meant by ORGANIZATION? Are private individuals, with or without VAT numbers included? Are associations included, and if so, which are the requirements? Or only entities with legal personalities?

By public organization we mean, for example, a public entity, such as for example a public museum.
By private organization/subject/body we mean associations, companies/cooperatives or even professionals with a VAT number.
By association, we mean a group of people organized for a joint purpose, which is usually not profitable.
These public or private organisations/subjects, whether or not belonging to the tourism sector, must be registered organizations and be instrumental for the achievement of project’s results to be eligible.

11) What is meant by "Double green and digital transition"?

Green transition refers to actions aimed at encouraging:
  • decarbonisation
  • sustainable mobility
  • improvement of air quality
  • combating land consumption and hydrogeological instability
  • improvement of water resources
  • protection of the sea
  • restoration and strengthening of biodiversity
  • the circular economy, the bioeconomy and sustainable agriculture
Digital transition refers to the integration of digital technologies and solutions in each area of a company. It is a cultural change as much as a technological one, which requires organizations to radically change the way they operate.

12) Is there support or tutoring for the selected projects?

Each selected project will receive free tailored mentoring and support for 15 months from experts appointed by the Consortium, the costs of which are borne by the project.

13) If a company presents a project with other partners, is it necessary to stipulate a temporary agreement among companies formally recognized (Italian ATI) or is it sufficient for them to be mentioned in the application form?

No, it isn’t necessary for the application. It is up to partners to decide to sign a partnership agreement. However, the participating partners must be indicated on the application form.

14) Can a consultant apply for funding?

No, only organisations can apply. However, a consultant, as an individual person, can be part of a partnership applying to the SMARTIES for SMEs call.

15) Is there any restriction for suppliers based on family relationships. I’m a developer and wanted to provide services to a company run by a family member. If three quotations are provided to prove the fairness of the proposed costs, is it enough? Or there is no need to provide anything given the fact that what counts in the end is the output?

There is no need to provide quotations or invoices. SMARTIES for SMEs call focuses on the activities, outputs and expected results of the project instead of documenting expenses.

16) Is it possible to upload further documents in addition to the templates required for the application?

Yes, it is. The evaluator will decide if they are interesting for the evaluation purposes.

17) Is an association eligible for funding under this Call?

An association is eligible for funding within a partnership, together with at least an SME.

18) In case of a partnership of two companies, one in the tech industry and one in the tourism, can the tech SME be the lead applicant and manage the whole budget of the project?

The tech company can be the lead partner, but the budget must be shared with the tourism SME and the activities performed by each partner and the corresponding budget amount must be indicated in the budget form.

19) An Art Gallery, which is a private SME, can participate as single SME?

An art gallery is not a tourism SME. It can participate in a partnership with a tourism SME, not alone.

20) Can a partnership of two companies, one belonging to the tourism sector and the second in the pharmaceutical cosmetics participate to the call with a proposal with the aim of creating cosmetics with espresso residues?

No, they cannot. The activity of the pharma company is not instrumental to achieving a project result for the tourism SME.

21) Are SMEs receiving funding from FuTourisme Call 2024 eligible for funding under the SMARTIES for SMEs Call for Innovative projects?

No, they aren’t according to the double funding principle: no costs for the same activity can be funded twice from the EU budget.

22) Is there a maximum percentage for external assignment of activities?

No there isn’t. However, projects are expected to implement innovative products, processes, services, and/or business models, and they must consist of a mix of different activities that are instrumental for the realisation of the project and the achievement of expected results.There is a limit for the purchase of equipment: purchase of equipment is eligible but must not exceed 30% of the project budget and be justified by the applicant in the application form.

23) What’s the difference between an individual consultant and SME working as consultant company?

Applicants must comply with the definition of micro, small or medium-sized enterprise (SME) as per EU recommendation 2003/3612 and the SME user guide. According to the SME user guide micro enterprises have 1 to 9 headcounts.

24) Is the digital signature required for the application?

No, it isn’t.

25) We are currently participating in the FuTourisme 2024 call for applications, but we have not yet received the result. Is it possible to apply for SMARTIES for SMEs and, in case we are successful in both, later reject the possible grant from SMARTIES for SMEs or FuTourism?

Yes, you can apply to both calls, however double funding is not permitted. Please refer to FAQ 21.