Project Management and Coordination to guarantee the delivery of all project's outputs and the respect of time and financial resources.
Compendium on Tourism SMEs needs and best practices identifying the needs and best practices to support tourism SMEs in the post-Covid scenario at EU Mediterranean level
Technical and Financial Support to SMEs to participate to the “Call for Projects”. The WP aims at providing technical and financial support to 75 innovative projects by SMEs of the Mediterranean area and promoting the innovation, sustainability, digitalisation and diversification of the tourism offer in the EU Mediterranean area.
Capacity Building for SMEs: Regenerative Tourism in the Mediterranean Area
This WP aims at increasing the competences of tourism SMEs in the Mediterranean area, and promoting the adoption of regenerative forms of tourism, with the central role of the local community in the planning and delivering of tourism offers and services.
Mediterranean Networking of the tourism and agri-food ecosystems and dissemination
This WP aims at ensuring the project's visibility, the dissemination of its results to local, national and international key stakeholders and facilitating the networking and the visibility of innovative projects, best practices and lessons learnt.